Automatic Payment
What is an Automatic Payment?
It is a means of paying your Sewer Fees by allowing the company to automatically withdrawal the amount from your checking or savings account.
What are the benefits?
Having automatic payment is the most convenient way to pay your Sewer Fees. It is a FREE service to ensure your Sewer Fee payment will be made on time.
How do I authorize the Automatic Payments?
Complete the authorization form below and send it in, or enroll directly from the website. Send it, with a “VOIDED” check or a statement from your financial institution with the routing number and account number on it to the address at the bottom of the form.
On what day will my bank account be debited and for how much?
We will inform you of your payment due date and will debit your account on that date. The amount deducted will be your current balance.
What if I change my mind later and want to cancel this service?
Contact Fountain Hills Sanitary District and request in writing to cancel your autopay (with your signature). Please allow up to 10 business days to cancel your automatic payment.
PLEASE NOTE: Your voided check, or a statement from your financial institution with your name, account number, and routing number is needed in order to set up your Automatic Payment. The information will be kept confidential.

16941 E. Pepperwood Circle
Fountain Hills, AZ 85268
Phone: 480-837-9444
Fax: 480-837-0819
Email Us